A History Of Growing Trust In Kentucky

Special needs children often need special custody considerations

On Behalf of | Mar 17, 2022 | divorce

Contemporary family courts rely on the best interests of the child model when making custody decisions. To the uninitiated, a judge will examine several factors relevant to the family in question when approving or devising a custody plan.

For example, in Louisville, Kentucky, a family law judge will look at the health of each parent when approving child custody plans. In another example, they will also consider the child’s need for a stable home environment.

Do these considerations change for special needs kids?

They do not change so much as they expand to include what these remarkable children need to thrive in the wake of divorce. If you have a child with different needs and are working on a custody or parenting plan, add the following items to your checklist of considerations.

  • The proximity of your and your co-parent’s home to your child’s health care and therapy providers
  • The parent’s household that contains or is best equipped to accommodate the medical equipment your child requires
  • The parent with the best ability to transport your child to necessary medical or therapeutic appointments
  • The parent that is best able to provide for the at-home care needs of your child
  • The length of visitation times with each parent to avoid unduly disrupting your child’s daily life and schedule
  • The social and recreational needs of your child and the parent best able to provide transportation to related activities

With forethought, you and your co-parent can make a custody plan that provides for your child’s special needs. Learning about how Kentucky child custody laws may impact special needs children can help even more.

