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Will a court enforce your contract?

On Behalf of | Jun 15, 2018 | business litigation

When you enter into a business contract, you have an expectation that all parties involved will reasonably respect the terms of that contract and live up their respective end of the agreement. Unfortunately, when it comes time to execute those terms, you find it is easier said than done to enforce the contract fully. If and when this occurs, you may need to flex some legal muscle to compel the other party to honor their part of the agreement.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to petition a court to enforce your contract, but this is not a simple process. Having a contract is no guarantee that a court will see fit to honor it, especially if the terms are poorly constructed.

The other party may believe that the contract is not fair, or may present a number of defenses attempting to void the contract. If the terms of your deal are not deemed reasonable, or if they are too vague, a court is unlikely to side in your favor.

When building a contract or reviewing it, specificity is very important, as well adhering to accepted standards within your industry. The more specific and justified your terms are, the more likely a court will choose to enforce your contract. With contracts that are written too broadly or give one party sweeping power over the other may not hold up to challenges.

Resolving your contract dispute may require navigating very complicated legal issues well outside of your understanding. Be sure to use all the tools and support at your disposal to keep your rights and priorities secure as you work to resolve the matter to your satisfaction.

Source: FindLaw, “Will Your Contract Be Enforced Under the Law?,” accessed June 15, 2018

